Present Readings

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Drew Leonard

March 24, 2021

I had been planning to do a commentary on Isaiah in the year 2021; however, I am waiting on the release of Christopher B. Hays' book in the WJK Press, OTL series. That book was scheduled to be released in 2021. For whatever reason, his book has been "pushed back" to 2023. For the time being, I decided to begin a new project while this one hangs in waiting.

Now, I'm studying Genesis and -- if everything goes as planned -- will be releasing a commentary on it by the end of 2022. Presently, I've read John Oswalt's "The Bible Among the Myths," Duane Garrett's "Rethinking Genesis" and Christopher B. Hays' "Hidden Riches." Each of these books analyze the very intriguing subject of the similarities between the Bible and the ancient Near Eastern literature and customs.

In the upcoming commentary, I plan to pay much attention to legitimate possibilities of interpretation in Genesis 1-11, how those texts relate to the ANE texts and archaeology and whether or not these texts allow for a "fundamentalist" reading of the text of the Bible.

There's more here than I had realized. Looks like I'll be swamped with the matter.

God bless,


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