This and That

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Drew Leonard

July 30, 2021

Hannah and I went to see the Ark and the Creation Museum last week with some friends and family. It was a nice, little trip, and it was beneficial to get some additional perspective on some of the matters in Genesis.

In the meantime, I've still been reading quite a bit of material that pertains to Genesis and how to interpret chapters 1-11. Lately, I've read “Rethinking Genesis 1-11” by Gordon Wenham, “Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?” by C. John Collins, “Interpreting Eden” by Vern Poythress, “Against the Gods” by John Currid and John Walton's “The Lost World of Genesis One.” Some of these books have been more helpful than others, and certainly, some of them have been more conservative than others.

On another note, I've been working on a little workbook on Acts. We had just finished studying that book on Wednesday nights at the Cherokee Church of Christ in Johnson City, TN, so I didn't want to lose all of my study. (Most of it is already retained in the worksheets and answer keys that were prepared, but a workbook – with discussion questions and a little more explanation of the text – might be more profitable, especially for use in high school, college and adult Bible classes.)

Also, we're studying 1 Corinthians right now at the congregation. Like Acts, most of the study is being put into worksheet and answer key form; perhaps, if we think that the Acts workbook is somewhat helpful, we'll do similarly with 1 and 2 Corinthians.

Must get back to doing other things now. Thanks for stopping by and reading!

God bless,


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